Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hashim Words | Hashim Philosophy

The acceptance of the immediate success is our greatest enemy to ourselves, when we should be realizing our potentials and aiming for what we are truly capable of. It's like settling for less than you deserve and should be treated that way. Why stop at the sky when the heavens are way above the sky. Don't limit yourself, even through struggle do we grow & thrive. ***


Time doesn't last long, but money lasts shorter.
Road to perdition, let's turn before the border.
We try to make a dollar out of a quarter, too busy chasing paper we forget to put our life in order.


You can't delete the past, but you can write the future. Destiny is your truth and everything else is a rumour.


People only change when they change Principles. Progress is only made when priorities are defined.

Investment of time is more important than money. Some say time is money, but money can never equal up to time. You can gain all of the riches, but if your time isn't well spent on the important things/people in your life, none of those riches will be worth it in the end.

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