Only this day in age has there been provided a reason for whole communities not to support FREEDOM because of the labeling of FREEDOM FIGHTERS as "terrorists".
Only this day do real terrorists get to be called "Freedom Fighters" in the name of "DEMOCRACY" .. there was never a real threat to America that it didnt bring itself. such as selling the same WMD's to same people it went war with. (Iraq)
America has had a bad track of supporting dictators/regimes because they were of best interest to America's agenda. This is not true democracy, and America must realize that they have to practice what they preach.
Ever since America's beginnings, America has been a safe haven for immigrants around the world who are tired of tyranny in their country or unjust persecution (Puritans coming to Plymouth Rock escaping England). Countless immigrants from different parts of the world have come to America ever since.
The Start of a Bad Foundation
Yes, America was opportunistic in kicking out the native aboriginal tribes who once thrived on this land, but that wasn't the only injustice done. Throughout the slavery, the racism, the non-equality, etc. - America has shaped and changed ...and YET to this day it is not as perfect or as great "land of the free, home of the brave" as it aims to be and says to be.
TO change that America, must continue reforming the great injustices within its society. It CANNOT let Corporations, Businesses, Politicians, Lobbyists take advantage of it. For the greater good, the PEOPLE of AMERICA that have stood up against injustice before time and time again, MUST stand up for any injustice that is happening. (PRISON SYSTEM, THE EDUCATION SYSTEM, THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM). America is lacking in those departments for the same reason: No One is trying to MAKE significant changes, and more and more youth are falling through the cracks. What will be left for the future of America if the youth will not be there to grab the baton?
Going back to the subject of IMMIGRATION. America, which has accepted immigrants because of 'asylum' and other persecutions must realize that they caused some of these immigrants to come here whether directly or indirectly. HOW? By supporting blindly or strategically dictators/authoritarians/leaders who are NOT fit or are NOT just to their people and their country.
Freedom Fighters & Terrorists
The world just recognized the Egyptian revolution and the Tunisian revolt. And that's the way a revolution is supposed to occur: TELEVISED. Or in this modern day (tweeted and facebooked). But mostly televised through media.
People of the world just seem to be glued to their tv's and unless you put it right in their face constantly they will not care or they will not understand what's really going on. In places where the media is banned, NGO's are banned, and the U.S. is your full supporter in anything and everything you do, just because you're curbing "terrorism" in the horn of Africa are truly king.
This brings to your attention King Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia's Prime Minister, whose TPLF Political Party have been in power since overthrowing the last regime in 1991. Ethiopia has been the face of Poverty for the past 25 years, and it is still. While most of my constituents are more political I am, I am more of a humanitarian justice kind of person. While Meles, my African brother has been getting aid money for so long, we the people MUST know exactly where it went.
Chinese and other foreigners are threatening to take space in Africa and influence, and that is another reason America supports Ethiopia. China has just become the new 'Soviet Union' of back then. This is 2011. And to play both sides and be a pawn in their chess game once again is history repeating itself. THIS WILL NOT play out well for the poor people who are not making decisions for entire country.
Infrastructure : From the poorest place to the richest. Schools, Hospitals, Roads.
Justice/Accountability: No more killings & violence.
Peace & Freedom: Every people who want to live in freedom must get their rights as human beings to be free to do so and free to live on their own.
One must realize with their real eyes the "real lies" that are right in front of their face. The real fighters are those who fight with their pen and paper, those who fight with their mind and skills. Artisans who build with their hands and create solutions with their minds - who curb unnecessary violence & conflict through peace and reconciliation. Africa has been mired in conflict for decades on end and centuries recorded since the Europeans came and colonized us. Now the Europeans and other world powers watch as we colonize each other.
It is an ugly show, but there are people who keep paying for it to continue. Arming each side and watching them slaughter each other, all the while stealing resources little by little. I love my African brothers and sisters, but unless we realize that we are becoming our own oppressors through means not foreseeable to us at the moment, we will never succeed.

Only this day do real terrorists get to be called "Freedom Fighters" in the name of "DEMOCRACY" .. there was never a real threat to America that it didnt bring itself. such as selling the same WMD's to same people it went war with. (Iraq)
America has had a bad track of supporting dictators/regimes because they were of best interest to America's agenda. This is not true democracy, and America must realize that they have to practice what they preach.
Ever since America's beginnings, America has been a safe haven for immigrants around the world who are tired of tyranny in their country or unjust persecution (Puritans coming to Plymouth Rock escaping England). Countless immigrants from different parts of the world have come to America ever since.
The Start of a Bad Foundation
Yes, America was opportunistic in kicking out the native aboriginal tribes who once thrived on this land, but that wasn't the only injustice done. Throughout the slavery, the racism, the non-equality, etc. - America has shaped and changed ...and YET to this day it is not as perfect or as great "land of the free, home of the brave" as it aims to be and says to be.
TO change that America, must continue reforming the great injustices within its society. It CANNOT let Corporations, Businesses, Politicians, Lobbyists take advantage of it. For the greater good, the PEOPLE of AMERICA that have stood up against injustice before time and time again, MUST stand up for any injustice that is happening. (PRISON SYSTEM, THE EDUCATION SYSTEM, THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM). America is lacking in those departments for the same reason: No One is trying to MAKE significant changes, and more and more youth are falling through the cracks. What will be left for the future of America if the youth will not be there to grab the baton?
Going back to the subject of IMMIGRATION. America, which has accepted immigrants because of 'asylum' and other persecutions must realize that they caused some of these immigrants to come here whether directly or indirectly. HOW? By supporting blindly or strategically dictators/authoritarians/leaders who are NOT fit or are NOT just to their people and their country.
Freedom Fighters & Terrorists
The world just recognized the Egyptian revolution and the Tunisian revolt. And that's the way a revolution is supposed to occur: TELEVISED. Or in this modern day (tweeted and facebooked). But mostly televised through media.
People of the world just seem to be glued to their tv's and unless you put it right in their face constantly they will not care or they will not understand what's really going on. In places where the media is banned, NGO's are banned, and the U.S. is your full supporter in anything and everything you do, just because you're curbing "terrorism" in the horn of Africa are truly king.
This brings to your attention King Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia's Prime Minister, whose TPLF Political Party have been in power since overthrowing the last regime in 1991. Ethiopia has been the face of Poverty for the past 25 years, and it is still. While most of my constituents are more political I am, I am more of a humanitarian justice kind of person. While Meles, my African brother has been getting aid money for so long, we the people MUST know exactly where it went.
Chinese and other foreigners are threatening to take space in Africa and influence, and that is another reason America supports Ethiopia. China has just become the new 'Soviet Union' of back then. This is 2011. And to play both sides and be a pawn in their chess game once again is history repeating itself. THIS WILL NOT play out well for the poor people who are not making decisions for entire country.
Infrastructure : From the poorest place to the richest. Schools, Hospitals, Roads.
Justice/Accountability: No more killings & violence.
Peace & Freedom: Every people who want to live in freedom must get their rights as human beings to be free to do so and free to live on their own.
One must realize with their real eyes the "real lies" that are right in front of their face. The real fighters are those who fight with their pen and paper, those who fight with their mind and skills. Artisans who build with their hands and create solutions with their minds - who curb unnecessary violence & conflict through peace and reconciliation. Africa has been mired in conflict for decades on end and centuries recorded since the Europeans came and colonized us. Now the Europeans and other world powers watch as we colonize each other.
It is an ugly show, but there are people who keep paying for it to continue. Arming each side and watching them slaughter each other, all the while stealing resources little by little. I love my African brothers and sisters, but unless we realize that we are becoming our own oppressors through means not foreseeable to us at the moment, we will never succeed.